So the results of the Iowa caucuses are in and the winners are Obama and Huckabee.
My sentiments are - who cares?
In 1950 it may have made a difference but in the wi-fi world of instant information that is 2008 do the results from a tiny fly over state matter at all? Do the people living in Philadelphia or Boston, or even Chicago, care what the people of Iowa think? In 2008 are we going to elect a president based on the interests of a small, rural state whose major exports are corn and hogs?
I think not.
This is not to malign the good people of Iowa, but I am not swayed by the decisions they make. I don’t hold dear the same things the good people of the Hawkeye state do and their decision to vote for Barack Obama and what’s his name Huckabee do not make me believe either will be their respective party’s nominee.
The same holds true for New Hampshire.
New Hampshire is a beautiful New England state that contains half as many people as Phoenix, Arizona. What they think is not relevant in 2008 – and their place as an early bell-weather just doesn’t hold true today.
The prized caucuses in Iowa and New Hampshire are relics like the Model T, 8-track tapes and dial up internet. They just don’t play in 2008 and both parties need to take a long look at the process and make some changes.
States like Michigan and Florida have been penalized by their parties for moving up their primary elections – and for what? Tradition? Who cares?
It's time to modernize the electoral process, including the Electoral College (but I won’t go into that). After a year long campaigning process isn’t it time we get to the meat of it and start with states that make a difference?
Tonight’s results have nothing to do with the overall nomination outcome. I’ve said all along that Iowa and New Hampshire do not matter. I like Barack Obama, and if he is the candidate that is chosen to be the democratic nominee, I will certainly vote for him - although I think in two months the outcome will be different from todays. That goes for both sides.
In 2000 at least George Bush was at least likable to some. The same can’t be said of Huckabee. His chances of becoming the Republican nominee are about as good as me winning the Power Ball.
It is time to weed out the lesser candidates early on so we have an opportunity to hear what those with a chance at winning their party’s primaries have to say. I’m tired of watching 10 blowhards stand uncomfortably at a dais and attempt to debate when in the end all we want to hear from is 3 or 4 from each party.
On the republican side I may be interested in hearing what Guiliani, McCain, and Romney have to say. Notice I said may - I'm being polite.
On the democrat side let’s get down to Clinton, Obama and Edwards - even though I don't think Edwards has a chance either.
In the end they are the only ones with a snow balls chance in hell of gaining any real interest. After tonight I’m sure many members of the Ron Paul Revolution are becoming Benedict Arnolds.
Today’s results just aren’t relevant in 2008!
This is true... Guliani -s unfaithful regularly -
Romney's religion believe that it is their right to baptise someone after they die to make them connect to their church. His so called religion would affect his politics - Neither is a good candidate - I do not enjoy politics - do not trust any of them poops
Oh yeah - who the hell cares!!!
*raises hand* I care! and...
Oh, I disagree. I think this is going to set the tone like it's never done before. We shall see. Huckabee pretty much is giving the win to Dems. It's a HUMONGOUS deal that an almost all white, hickish state voted in a black presidential hopeful. It's more than humongous...it's history being made and it's because of your words-a rural state whose major exports are corns and hogs-they picked a black man and not a white man who supposedly espoused the values-Edwards. OBAMA FTW!!!!!!
Plus, how can today's results not be relevant for 2008? This IS 2008.
A black man winning the Iowa caucuses is important.
I never said the results were not newsworthy or that the win of Barrack Obama was not of historical significance.
I was speaking to the tradition and process.
Congratulations Mr Obama!!!
you won the power ball? Dont forget your big brother. I am in Paris and the spring collection is out!!
as for Iowa. I would say alot of Obamas votes were more a vote NOT for Hillary. Obama is fresh and new, Hillary is really old school politics. And our next president MUST be fresh.
So are we positive Bill cant run again? Love Bill, like Hill and would completly support Obama should he be the candidate. Lets not forget Huckabee is a Baptiste minister.
ok must drink my lovely bottle of wine.
What other process would you find workable though? The electoral college isn't perfect but it's better than everything else that's been tried in the world.
AMEN to that!!!
I do admit I'm dumb as a post when it comes to politics, but since I've come to rbloggers4peace I am more 'aware' so thank you. I did not know you have to 'identify' yourself belonging to a certain party or not...I always wondered how people knew that..we don't do that in Canada! Stupid question, but why wouldn't Clinton and Obama run together(pres and vice pres)? I have never heard of that religion Palestar and I am absolutely horrified by it
'corn and hogs' I needed that-LOL so much!!!
Denice -
We are in the beginning of the primary season.
All memeber of each party who are intersting in becoming president compete against all those in their party.
LIke you said... Hilary and Obama are both democrats and in the end that could be the ticket; however, first we have to see who wins the majority of the primaries and then that individaul should be the clear nominee and then that person will pick another member of their party and that will be one side of the ticket.
So there is a possibility is could be Hilary and Obama, however, I doubt it.
I hope that explains it.
The primary process is overly long now and what I was complaining about was how we start in two states that are truly too small to matter but yet they are the first two primaries.
The results come out like they did last night and everyone jumps and gets excited when in the end they have so few delegates that they really an inconsequential...as opposed to states with larger populations.
The was your first US Government lesson..... more to come Im sure.... haha
Chris I read your post with interest. As you know I'm not an American so even though I try to follow each Presidential election with interest, I'm like Denice, I find it very confusing at times! Personally I think it's an overly long drawn out system and a bit outdated...just my opinion. I tend to think that everybody's vote is relavent, no matter where they live, but as you say, Iowa is a small state and really the pundits are placing too much focus on yesterday's results from a small state so early in the process.
I think it would be great if it ended up with Obama/Clinton ticket, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen. It would be too much of a change for many people...sadly.
Andrea -
I agree with you... the process has taken on a life of its own and become an industry. ONLY IN AMERICA.
This election is unprecedented. I dont think it has ever been so long and drawn out. This has already been going on for an entire year.
But people are making money off of it so I think this extended process will now be the norm.
I too believe every vote should count and that is certainly not my point. I just don't believe that the entire country's decision should be swayed by a remote area of the country with few voters.
It would be like Nunavut making the decision who is your Prime Minister..... The appearance of too much power in the hands of the fewest.....
I respectfully disagree with you. Sure Iowa & NH are small states but opinion does matter. At this point it appears that you know who you want to hear from but many do not. Watching the candidates tailor their messages to different constituencies is interesting and compressed. How many chance do you get to see that up close. Elections in different states also allow you to see how the candidate handle themselves and respond to a variety of diverse pressures. Personally, I'd rather see that now than later. It's a process. It's the only one that we have and it works most of the time. You should enjoy it.
Why are they there? Because it has to start somewhere. And it says so much that a place like Iowa stepped out of their comfort zone and chose a Muslim candidate. And I agree with Mike over at Grand View. Some people need a nudge. And need some advice. I will be honest. I wasn’t sure who I was voting for at first. I find tons of flaws in all of the choices. But I guess the Obama result set well with me. It really seemed to tell America, that it needs to stand up and realize this presidency isn’t about race, gender OR religion.
I cannot figure out if this last post was meant as a joke or not.
Who actually believes Barrack Obama is a Muslin?
Are you for frickin REAL?
I say I will post any response I get but this one almost didn't make it because it infuriates me. Not because the writer disagrees with me but because the misinformation train has pulled into the station and PEOPLE BELIVE HIS CRAP!!!
One more time...... Barrack Obama is NOT a Muslim!
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