Today is the day I suspect I will break the 1000 visitor mark on my web page and blog. One thousand sounds like such a pathetic little number when visiting sites that have one million hits a day but Perez Hilton I am not (that would be fun as long as I could look like me and not him) and the site does not contain sex or pornography, and God knows I am not google, so I am extremely happy with my paltry 1000 hits.
My counter really only tracks hits to the website, not necessarily the blog so "officially" I am approaching 1000 but am sure there have been more than 1000 visitors to the blog - plus I didn't add the counter for at least a month in. I never expected more than a few friends and family members to check me out once in a while so I am happy to be hitting this mark only a little over two months after I started my site.
When I started the website I planned it as a place to put photos of Noelle, my granddaughter, so friends and distant family could experience and share in her growth and it turned into much more. It is a tribute to my family, especially my grandparents, as well as a glimpse into my childhood and life - mostly through photos.
The blog was something I thought I would try my hand at because I am opinionated as hell and think the world should listen to my take on things. Its quite delusional and self-important to believe anyone would, or should, listen to my take on world events, or music, or anything else for that matter, but I have learned I am in good company and there are millions of self-anointed princes (and princesses) of the blogosphere.
There are several individuals who are Loyal Friends and True (as Bob Barker used to say on The Price is Right) and I appreciate your support - especially my "Stranger Friends" from Flickr who continue to encourage me and I am surprised to find I now have regular email contact with a few individuals that have reviewed the web site (or blog) and felt a connection or wanted to explain their appreciation - this is an unexpected but wonderful side effect.
So I thank each of you for taking a glance every now and then and cheers to the next thousand, or ten thousand, or how about a million..............
I am trying - you will attain the 1,000 TODAY - on the way to a million - like your site much better than Perez Hilton for sure Chris. Take care...
1000 you did it! Palestar
Thanks Palestar..... YOU DID IT....
WE did it!!! Take care and have a terrific day!
Chris - left a message for you on my site...
;) Palestar
you are too good to me.
(insert me screaming like a girl!)
Even better to be hit with a diamond like Palestar!
Have a Fabulous Day
Thanks Neicey
For us all the internet is so much fun - so take care y'all...
May the wind be always at your back and the road rise up to meet you - and may you be a long time in heaven 'fore the devil knows your gone... ;=)
1000 is really important man! Nothing to sneeze at! Congrats. And I've noticed people have been clicking to your site from my site. Maybe I should make the link go directly to the blog instead?
I don't think they register when they go directly to my blog since I have it hooked up to my website counter. I should probably change that.
J - Thanks for ALL you support and encouragement.
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