No one has found their way to my site via any off-color or out-of-the-norm searches - that is until today. All the previous searches have been for individuals – either friends or family.
Like my friend Matt. I have had two or three people find their way to 2288 Beckley Rd by searching Google for his name – first and last name. My site is listed third when searching his name in Google. First there is his employer’s website, his personal website (which I wish he would update and blog), and then mine.
I have also had hits from people looking for another friend of mine named Matt. Surprisingly my site is listed first in Google. There have also been searches for other random people like my step sister, Lori, and even my granddaughter, Noelle.
My initial thought when I saw that yahoo and Google searches bring people to my site is that it must be people looking for themselves - bored, sitting at home with nothing pressing to do, while playing on the computer they Google themselves.
However, in these cases that isn’t the case. In addition to seeing the results of the searches brought to my site, I also see the searcher’s country, city, and state and it’s never been either Matt (one in Tucson and one in New York). The searches come from cities unknown to me in random states like Connecticut and Missouri.
My luck changed today. No more boring name search results.
This afternoon I log into my tracking site and there it was – someone came to my site while searching - Straight Cross-dressers.
Now, I am not a straight cross-dresser and I won’t admit to ever being one either. I’m also not straight, and I don’t think a little fun around the house on a Saturday night or Halloween make me a full fledged cross-dresser.
Oddly enough, I have noticed that transvestites and transsexuals are big this year. The television is lousy with them this year.
It seems that since the beginning of her new season, a week doesn’t go by without Oprah devoting a show to transsexuals. She has even had young children on the show who feel they were born in the wrong body.
On the new ABC television show Dirty Sexy Money there is a transsexual character played by a real-life transsexual, Candis Cayne. I turned on The View the other day and she was on that show too.
I think trannies are the new gays - how chic!
When I saw the results for the “straight cross-dresser” I knew immediately who, and what, lead them to my site. It is the picture of my Provincetown neighbor, Al/Helen, taken nearly ten years ago.
This man has a successful business career but has a little secret his friend and family don’t know. During the summer Al leaves his wife in another state, and comes to Provincetown to become Helen.
I wonder if I should take down Al/Helen’s picture because if anyone Googles Al and Provincetown together or Helen and Provincetown my site would come up and I would hate to ruin his life – you know - his family looks at my website and finds his picture and they figure out it’s their father or husband…Wouldn’t that give his family the surprise of their lives?
Okay.. I just looked…I Googled both Al and Helen, along with the word Provincetown and my site didn’t come up… at least in the first few pages…phew
Sat nights and Halloween eh?
Not long ago..well, 10-15 years ago while I worked in a tight feminist organization I remember a woman who wanted to volunteer and staff(me included because I said nothing)denied her application because she didn't struggle as a little girl. It makes me sick and ashamed that I never advocated for her..worse said nothing...A lesson I'll never forget.
Isn't it something how we learn and grow?
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