I'm at a lose. Last night I spent the entire evening trying to find a costume and I am having no luck. I searched so much that I continuously dreamed of the Wizard of Oz.
Yesterday Matt told Fettit and me about a funny Wizard of Oz Madtv skit and coincidentally this morning when I pulled up Youtube (ooking for a clip for another blog entry I've been working on) there it was right on the front page.
I think its cute.... so I have included it below ... but it doesn't help me get a costume.
I have one day before the party........ What should my costume be?
Hey Chris here's an idea, You can be Glinda the Good witch, go to your Local thrift store, they always have big poofy gowns, or even wedding gowns to use as the dress, make a crown outta cardboard, cover in silver paint, glitter or even foil if need be, get a pair of silver heels, or cover in same as crown, and you can get a wand at any dollar store, or make one if need be.
The thrift store may even have a witch costume to convert into a wicked witch lemme know how ya make out!!!
GREAT ideas.... and I actually did that last weekend.... but I have one problem.....
Im 6'2" and 210 lbs.
Ive looks at prom and wedding dresses at Goodwill and Salvation Army... but can never find anything.
I am going to go looking again today so maybe I Will find something.....
Thanks for the suggestion.. and I will keep you updated.
My friend Dennis would go in drag ad Carmen Miranda and her face was always on his chest and tummy - wish I had a photo. he was hilarious.
210 at 6'2" not very big around are you?
Let us know what you decide to do and oh yes take pictures.
Do you have an amvets near you lemme know.
Oh... Im plenty a round Palestar..... More a round than Ive ever been in my life.
I was always the skinniest in the family... now Im the chunkiest.
I will let you know when I figure it out.
Tammy -
What is an Amvet? Is that like an army navy store?
Hey Chris,
Did you check Party City? partycity.com Sorry I'm not too creative but Tammy's idea sounds good. and thanks for sharing the video that was sooooo funny!!!
Chris have you asked any of the staff working at the stores to check for plus size gowns, sometimes they will check the back for you.keep me posted!!!!
Or you could go as the "Tin man's Heart" that's easy, take card board or poster board, make it red and flashy, wear a red turtle neck, or black underneath...to "drag it up", wear black or red Panty hose and silky boxers underneath, along with a great pair of heels!!!lemme know what ya think!!
Chris we have Avets stores here in NY they are just like goodwill or salvationarmy stores.
Amelia's Consignment resale, in Glendale Az i dunno if its close to you or not
I looked for an AmVets store.. and NOPE. We have an organization but no store.
I checked several of the online storees and the timeline is tight. NO one has the Wicked Witch costume I want.. they all are out... There were other costumes at one place that could still get it here by tomorrow but I know UPS and Fed Ex delivery to my house after 6 pm... EVERYTIME... so thats cutting it too close.
I love The Tin Man's Heart IDEA... LOVE IT.... But Ill be honest.. Im not that kinda gay... haha... Not so crafty here....
I SOOOOOOOOO APPRECIATE THE HELP HERE THOUGH.... I need to go get in the shower and get shopping.
I am SOOO with Gary on this: GO AS ROSIE! Very easy to find those outfits, luv!
Arg! I can't get this to play. But why not be the bubble she floats in on? You could paint yourself pink and throw on glitter! Any excuse for glitter, man.
Go as RO - yahoo - YA YA!!! Palestar
oh my how much do you weight?
oh my and now the chunkiest??
I don't why I allow my brother to post comments.
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