I received the following email this evening from my WONDERFUL brother... and it sums up how I feel about The Young and The Restless and of course its only true star.... Miss Jeanne Cooper
I know its a soap opera.... but these people (and Katherine Chancellor) have been in our lives longer than ALL of our step fathers...
I love Kevin's email.....I hope he doesn't mind that I posted it.... but he is one of the funniest people I know and most everything he says comes from an incredible place in his heart. This is the brother that just celebrated his birthday that I went home for.........
Oh my God have you been watching Y&R? I cant imagine my life without Mrs C. How many years have we been watching the "Grand Dame" of all things "Chancellor"? If they were to kill off "Kay" I would have to go to the funeral. Partly because it would be sooo wonderful (and the Emmy for "best funeral of a soap character who never actually lived) goes too......... Her talking today about all the mistakes "she" has made in her life. (talking to Amber, I know you don't like her but I do). "Glass houses" and all that. Who among us hasn't had one to many drinks, or slept with the wrong person, or driven our husbands off a cliff to his death. ( Actually that last one I have never really done but have fantasized about doing it once......... maybe twice......... okay maybe 100 times. But at least Mrs. C had the drunk on to do it!! Anyway (she) "Jill's Mom" was wonderful today (Wednesdays show). But watching her all I could think about was how much I would miss her if she wasn't there. Yes I have been addicted to this show ever since high school and yes I do know they are not real people (it has been pointed out to me several times over the years by Craig) but..........these people have been more reliable in my life than most family and friends. At least I know where to find them Monday-Friday. Craig laughs at Bart Simpson and Homer. So what is wrong about crying when "Ryan" Died, Nicki lost a baby, or Mrs C. sings "I am going to live till I die"!!?? Isn't that a wonderful life goal? Well I do plan on "Living till I die, I'm going to laugh till I cry, I am going to live..live...live.. till I die!!
Oh and by the way someone let Cain know "I am ABLE"!!!! And have there ever been two more beautiful letters? JT!!!!! I'd climb an elevator shaft in a heart beat if I was behind one of them!! Love the new Young and the Restless!!
Ok I have to go I need to get some sleep. I actually am in the country tomorrow till 4p.m. so can watch it live. I know its taped but its live to me. If that fucking Bush preempts it I am going to freak! VICTOR NEWMAN FOR PRESIDENT!! Please someone tell me Bush and his brainless horsemen are just a bad soap. Quick change the channel! Talk about a show that should be canceled for bad acting!! People talk about too much sex on TV. Well every time that dumb ass has a news conference he is "Fucking" millions of people and ITS LIVE!!
ok, nite nite!!
Your big Bro, Kevin (my soap name would be Cage) Yes I like that "Cage"!!
You can see why I love him so much..... he is a great comedic writer... or is it just that I know exactly what he is saying?
he is funny!
Glad you shared that.
Cracked me up.
With my mindset lately, that is not an easy thing to do.
Tell him Thanks for me.
I think I will be a fan.
I love this line from Kevin's email:
People talk about too much sex on TV. Well every time that dumb ass has a news conference he is "Fucking" millions of people and ITS LIVE!!
So hillarious. Okay so are they really killing her off, cuz, i havent been able to watch lately and i duuno what's going on....that just put my ass into a oh no they wouldn't dare type Shock!!!!
AMEN - have I told you I adore your family?
YA YA!!! Palestar
Oh frig...that Cage is hilarious! My other favourite was 'Mrs. C had the drunk on to do it.'
I would pay to be at one of your family gatherings!!
We were brought up on Y&R and my dad used to loved her...back in the original drunken days when she go at Jill..he loved it. Not real eh..I'll have to tell my mom that.
so funny!
"Who among us hasn't had one to many drinks, or slept with the wrong person, or driven our husbands off a cliff to his death. ( Actually that last one I have never really done but have fantasized about doing it once......... maybe twice......... okay maybe 100 times. But at least Mrs. C had the drunk on to do it!!"
THAT is priceless....you are too much Aunt Kevin.....an oldie but a goodie....and the joke too!
love Matt
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